Download Finely Tuned: How To Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person or Empath

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Download Finely Tuned: How To Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person or Empath

"Don't be so sensitive." "Just get it over it." "You're just so intense"... If you're a highly sensitive person or an empath, you've probably heard these statements many times. Maybe you feel different because you're just more tuned in and sensitive than most people you know. You notice things others don't. You can easily pick up on the mood of the room. You're bothered by small irritations, noise, and bright light. Sometimes the world just feels overwhelming, and you wonder what is wrong with you. The good news? Being highly sensitive isn't weird or wrong. It's a perfectly normal trait held by 15-20% of the population. The Little-Known Power of Being Finely Tuned As a sensitive person, you may believe you're weak and less resilient than others. This belief may have been reinforced all of your life, but nothing could be further from the truth. Highly sensitive people and empaths are gifted with unique skills making them more creative, intuitive, conscientious, and empathic. They a . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD