1. Chicken Soup for the Soul has always had a strong focus on parents and grandparents, and has sold more than ten million books specifically on parenthood.
2. Books represent a new thematic experience, even for readers of past books, as Chicken Soup has tightened the content, and books contain only relevant stories. Out-of-date stories were eliminated. 3. Each book contains 101 stories recompiled from dozens of past Chicken Soup titles.
4. “Our 101 Best Stories” collection is an efficient way for new readers to obtain books covering Chicken Soup’s most popular topics.
5. Every book has a warm and moving foreword from Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen explaining the company’s rebirth and its return to 101 stories per book.
6. Chicken Soup for the Soul earned the Guinness World Record for having the most books on the New York Times bestseller list at one time.
7. Last year, USA Today named Chicken Soup for the Soul #5 on . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD