Download Talking Stick: Peacemaking as a Spiritual Path Ebook

Descriptions Talking Stick: Peacemaking as a Spiritual Path book

Download Talking Stick: Peacemaking as a Spiritual Path

Practices for openhearted speaking and devout listening to restore harmony in families, relationships, schools, workplaces, and communities

• Details how to approach life with a listening heart and create a sacred space for communication

• Offers exercises for new peacemaking circles, ceremonial ways to begin each circle, and peacemaker tools to unmask the needs and feelings behind conflict

• Explains how to apply this practice in multiple ways, with groups large and small

People are afraid of conflict: it is something “bad” that must be managed and resolved. In the face of conflict we focus only on facts--who’s at fault and who should be punished--rather than seeking to restore harmony. But conflict is inevitable and presents an opportunity to establish deeper connections with others. By learning to speak honestly and listen devoutly, we can overcome our culture’s hierarchical and punitive approach to conflict. We can learn to relate t . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD