Download A Minute of Vision for Men: 365 Motivational Moments to Kick-Start Your Day Online

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Download A Minute of Vision for Men: 365 Motivational Moments to Kick-Start Your Day

Do you have a vision for your life?All of us need a compelling vision to live for. Scripture says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”Today, so many of us are living on autopilot instead of engaging the battle of living up to our God-given potential. We lack a vision for life. Too often, we settle for less than what is best for us, our families, and our careers. We struggle with pinpointing our purpose in life.A Minute of Vision for Men is an investment in a different sort of life―one with vision, purpose, and integrity. This book will help you connect with your purpose. It’s written so that you can start your day on the right foot, focused on what matters the most.Start each day with a potent, daily dose of vision for your life. . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD