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Download Tough Sh*t: Life Advice from a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good

The New York Times bestseller that is profane, honest, and contains totally wise sh*t from one of America’s most original voices.

That Kevin Smith? The guy who did Clerks a million years ago? Didn’t they bounce his fat ass off a plane once? What could you possibly learn from the director of Cop Out? How about this: He changed filmmaking forever when he was twenty-three, and since then, he’s done whatever the hell he wants. He makes movies, writes comics, owns a comic book store, and has built a podcasting empire.

Tough Sh*t is the dirty business that Kevin has been digesting for forty-two years and now he’s ready to put it in your hands. Kevin provides you with a blueprint for success, taking you through some big moments in his life to help you live your days in as Gretzky a fashion as you can: going where the puck is gonna be. Read all about how a zero like Smith managed to make ten movies with no discernible talent and how when he had everything he thought . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD