Free Download Sharpening the Aging Mind: Methods, Tips & Tricks to Keep Your Mind Super Sharp Ebook

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Download Sharpening the Aging Mind: Methods, Tips & Tricks to Keep Your Mind Super Sharp

We folks over 40 begin to noticing our memories are going to hell in a hurry. Scary! We think we re getting Alzheimer s, senility, Dementia, etc. We all have heard that, Old dogs can t learn new tricks! Sharpening the Aging Mind will dispel these fears and myths and give you real tools to keep your mind in tact, in shape and sharp as a tack! The mind is much like a muscle in that disuse causes atrophy while with exercise the mind can grow and develop in people more than 100 years of age... Written by a doctor and a psychologist, Sharpening the Aging Mind is a familiar prescription for their patients and now they are releasing it to the Boomer Generation, who number more than their individual practices can handle! Enjoy the read - and relax and enjoy your life and the memories you already have and the ones you're going to create! Contents Chapter 1 ~ What s the Problem? Chapter 2 ~ Myths About Mental Deterioration Chapter 3 ~ How the Mind Works Chapter 4 ~ How the Mind Dysfun . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD