Download Intentional Living - How To NOT Die WIth Regrets By Living A Life That Matters For free

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Download Intentional Living - How To NOT Die WIth Regrets By Living A Life That Matters

"The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we are still living..."

Some time ago, I stumbled across this quote by Norman Cousins - and felt as though it had slapped me across the face.

Like any thirty-something, questions of my own mortality had gradually changed from being an interesting hypothetical to something very real, and very scary.

While the first part of my life had seem filled with new beginnings and first times, the second half looked a bit more dire: I was beginning to realize that there would be last times for everything, too.

And like the typical thirty-something, I had a mild existential crisis about it: had I really lived my life well up until that moment? Had I wasted my youth, and was I possibly wasting my life right this minute?

When I saw this quote, it dawned on me: I wasn't actually afraid of death itself. How could I be? After all, I wouldn't be around when it happened. . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD